Time for a belated final-day report from the Galapagos trip. I have been back since March 3rd, but do to several lectures for the Birds of Paradise Project, and preparing to depart for an NatGeo assignment in Australia, I didn’t get a final post done (until now, on the plane to Australia!).
We spent this final day around the island of San Cristobal. We did a great hike in the morning and then headed for the rock formation know as Kicker Rock, or Leon Dormido just off the San Cristobal coast. There we snorkeled under what I would have to say were some pretty rad snorkeling conditions. Large chop and current sweeping us through the gap between the rocks. Exciting stuff, and many sea turtles and some Galapagos sharks were seen.
We capped off the trip with a circumnavigation of this spectacular rock island right at sunset.
One of the highlights of this trip for me was to be able to share it with my father, Gordon Laman. He helped inspire my love of photography by loaning me his cameras when I was a teenager, and took me on my first wilderness trip when I was 12 in Boundary Waters Canoe Area. That got me hooked on a life of exploring nature, so it was wonderful to be able to take Dad to the Galapagos for his first time. He loved it, and claimed that he did pick up a few photo tips from me as well. Thanks for joining me Dad!