Feathers of Seduction: Birds of Paradise Male Blue Bird-of-Paradise (Paradisaea rudolphi) in a fruiting tree. Endangered Species (IUCN Red list: VU).An adult male Twelve-wired Bird of Paradise on his display pole in the swamp forest along the Karawari River.Male King Bird of Paradise (Cicinnurus regius) on his display vine.Red Bird of Paradise (Paradisaea rubra) male performing practice display at tree-top lek. Endangered Species (IUCN Red List: NT).Adult male King of Saxony Bird of Paradise (Pteridophora alberti) performing a bouncing practice display that waves his head plumes.Adult male Ribbon-tailed Astrapia (Astrapia mayeri) in flight. Endangered Species (IUCN Red List: NT)Magnificent Bird of Paradise (Cicinnurus regius) male at calling perch near his display court.A cloud forest with misty valleys at sunrise. 2700 m elevation near Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea.Villagers at Payakona Village singsing ceremony.Goldie’s Bird of Paradise (Paradisaea decora) males displaying at their lek display site in the forest canopy on Fergusson Island, Papua New GuineaCurl-crested Manucode. Manucodia comrii At nest with chick.Wilson’s Bird of Paradise (Cicinnurus respublica) male displays to female from a small sapling in the middle of his display court.Red Bird of Paradise (Paradisaea rubra) male performing practice display at a tree-top display site called a lek. This perch was 50 meters above the ground.Western Parotia Bird of Paradise (Parotia sefilata) male performing “ballerina dance” display for a female.Immature male Ribbon-tailed Astrapia (Astrapia mayeri) feeding on fruit of Schefflera plant.Male Carola’s Parotia (mostly black bird) displaying to females plumage birds (mostly brown birds) at his display court, which is an area of ground cleared of leaves with a horizontal perch crossing above.Blue Bird of Paradise (Paradisaea rudolphi) male performing a practice courtship display.Stephanie’s Astrapia Bird of Paradise (Astrapia stephaniae) male.Tim Laman repacking his expedition gear in a hotel room in Lai, PNG, before flying by bushplane into the Huon Peninsula.